Four Years in the Making

Thursday, 19 May 2005 15:58
by hav
Hits: 15206
As you may have noticed, we've changed the site a little bit. If nothing looks different, you should click here. As you can see the logo has been revised, the body has been widened, and we now feature text advertisements down the right side. The FPN website has retained the same basic look since its inception in May of 2001, so in order to celebrate our fourth anniversary; we decided to update our website with a slightly more modern theme.


FPN has accomplished a great deal in the last four years thanks to all of the people who've contributed to the FPN community. Thanks to all of the admins, our hosting providers, and the people who idle in our IRC channel and play regularly on our game servers, your support has made FPN what it is today. Over 200,000 unique people have played on our Counter-Strike servers, dating all the way back to the era of CS 1.0. At our largest, we've hosted well over 100 players simultaneously across our seven public servers and consistantly had 75 or more people idling in #fpn every night. We're now a more manageable size, with 40-50 idlers in the channel every evening and four smaller game servers. This allows our team of admins to do a more thorough job, both on the servers and behind the scenes. This benefits the entire FPN community, as we are able to provide a more enjoyable gaming experience to everyone.


This is the first time in our history that we've featured advertisements on our website. Thanks to the simplicity of Google's AdSense program, we can have relatively non-intrusive text ads that help offset our operating costs. We never wanted to subject our users to attrocities such as popups and "kill the monkey" banner ads. Now we can have ads that blend in well with the rest of the site and that are also geared to our users based on the content we display. That means you won't see ads for crap you don't need, for example Viagra....


The facade of the original FPN site will still remain over our new, more flexible backend. Throwbacks are in style now, and that means FPN is cool because we have our own throwback website. Even Nelly doesn't have one of those!


Some of you may not be familiar with but we've been slowly migrating to the name over the last two years. The new logo on the website makes this change official as all of our game servers have been running on the '' domain for quite some time. Some may wonder how we made the jump from to It's not much of a story, we wanted something that would still abbreviate to the initials 'FPN' just like does. Both names have a lot of similarities while retaining totally different meanings. The name '' gives us a more professional appearance and should benefit us in the future. Rest assured that will not be forgotten and the site will remain up.