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Wednesday, 22 December 2004 19:54
by hav
Hits: 5193
I'd just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever holiday you celebrate make sure you enjoy it. Happy New Years while we're at it! Keep your eyes open in the next week or so for info regarding the next FPN poker tournament.
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Tuesday, 30 November 2004 14:01
by hav
Hits: 5209
On Saturday night a bunch of FPN heads got together for our semi-regular poker tourney. The winner of the $20 buy-in tournament was Toxic, who finished second to SLiDeR at the last get together back in Septermber. We also had a $5 buy-in game later in the evening that was won by none other than josedawg.
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Thursday, 25 November 2004 18:33
by hav
Hits: 4809
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone is chilling out right now feeling stuffed as hell, I know I am. Try not to get too caught up in the eating and drinking and remember the real purpose of this holiday.
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Monday, 22 November 2004 21:16
by hav
Hits: 5424
There's a lot of things we like to laugh at in #fpn, but one of the most univerally laughed at things in society today are ricers. If you too enjoy laughing at rice, then you should
check out this site. Enjoy!