Web & E-mail Outage

We experienced an outage which affected both web and e-mail access for FPN users. The disruption was apparently caused by damage to Verizon's phone lines in the Albany area, affecting The HostWorks, one of our colo providers.

The word from Mr. Dave Smulsky of The HostWorks is as follows:
"Our entire building's telecomm were cut late evening Saturday in a break-in in a connected, but separate warehouse suite on the other side of our building (one floor building, 4 tenants). Sprint (our carrier) and Verzion were notified as soon as it went down, but due to the investigation on behalf of the state police, Verizon was told to hold on repairs until the forensic teams can complete their examination of the fiber cuts. The cables have been replaced, and service has been restored last evening slightly before midnight. "

I don't even know what to say...

We appologize to any inconvenience this has caused anyone. Some e-mail messages are still queued on our backup MX but please rest assured nothing has been lost. You should have all the mail sent to you during the outage within the next hour or so.

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